Thursday, October 28, 2021

Less Burnout, More Success: The Life-Changing Mindset Shift We All Need!

Many of us suffer from stress, anxiety, burnout, exhaustion and are desperate to escape from this pattern. At the same time, we feel driven to push ourselves in our careers and at home - rarely making time for ourselves or allowing ourselves the nurturing we need to actually thrive.

There's more to it though, often we push so hard that we end up making things harder for ourselves than necessary. Sometimes all our efforts to move forwards are actually counterproductive and are in fact making things worse. It could be that you've effectively created a ball and chain attached to your ankle, rather than the amazing future you want.

In our western society, we are taught that action is the way to go - that if you want to change, you need to set goals, make plans, and then take action.

All of this is, of course, absolutely true, and without goals, plans and actions nothing will happen. However, there's another side to the coin that we often forget...

There's a universal law that the more you push something the more resistance you get back - remember your school physics lessons?

You might already know that I started off my career as a conventional scientist, and I mean conventional... scanning electron microscopes, metallurgical grinding machines, mechanical testing machines, lecture theatres, research proposals, the works! Goodness, that was a long time ago!

You'd have thought with such a background that I might have had some clue about this and could avoid this mistake. Alas, if I'm honest I was probably the worst example of this in the whole history of creation... or at least nearly the worst.

Here's the problem. Say we want a particular change in our lives - to get a new job, new relationship, lose weight - we set our goal and start using all the techniques and actions we believe will get that result. Sounds perfect.

HOWEVER, here's the issue. If you don't see results immediately, you think you're not trying hard enough, so you redouble your efforts. You start pushing very hard in one direction and the resistance kicks in. Basically, when you push too much, you lock the whole thing up and nothing moves. You feel stuck and frustrated. So you push harder. And, you know what, when you push harder you make it even worse. What you create is a never-ending vicious cycle of self-sabotage. Result - only more frustration - stress - anxiety - exhaustion - burnout - despair.

If you want to truly create something, you need to give the universe room to move and do its magic. When we are busy pushing in one direction we are imposing our rigid specifications for the result, the timescale, and the way it is going to come about. This is limited by our life experience, and what our brain can imagine. If we impose these things on the process, we may very well be shutting down the creation process altogether! Always remember that the universe has infinite parameters to work with, infinitely more than our little human brains. What if the universe had something 10 times better in store for us, but because if was coming to us via a different route we miss it or block it all together? If we impose our plan and insist upon it, we can miss that opportunity and get nothing.

It took me a very long time to learn that lesson and I'll admit it's still a challenge to let go and allow things to flow, but I'm much better than I used to be.

So, here are my 4 essential steps to getting yourself out of that downwards spiral, and heading back towards flow, balance, and of course results!

1) Shift Your Mindset

Creating the life we want is like growing a beautiful flower, not turning the handle on a sausage machine. Think of yourself as a devoted and expert gardener. When you plant the seeds, you don't bombard them with endless water fertilizer and keep digging them up to see if they are growing yet. You know this will kill the poor thing. When you push yourself mercilessly, this is what you are doing to yourself.

2) Assess Your 'Merciless Quotient'

Stop what you are doing. Sit down. Be honest with yourself. How are you treating yourself? Are you full of self-criticism, judgment, martyrdom, self-sacrifice, non-stop drive? If you are, then the truth is that you are actually crushing yourself. This is KEY.

3) The Law of Blossoming

This is what I call it! Remember those seeds you want to grow, whether in your career or your personal life? If you want them to grow, produce flowers, and blossom, then you need to give them OPTIMUM CARE. Optimum care means NOT bombarding them and pushing them. Optimum care is an on-off approach. Give them what they need, then back off and allow creation to happen. Then provide what they need next, then back off again.

The same thing applies to your life. If you want results, set your goals, decide on your initial actions, take those actions, and then RELAX. Allow those actions to take effect. Allow the universe to respond to the messages you have put out. Give it some time.

When you get this, you not only magnify your results, but you also increase your wellbeing by releasing that pressure you've been imposing on yourself. It's a win-win situation.

4) Set yourself up to RECEIVE

Change your schedule to include time-out, rest, and self-nurturing. When I say this, I mean time when you are not thinking about all the stuff you're trying to do and create! It is only when you get this let go that you allow the universe time and space to create what you want.

Remember, this will feel counterintuitive! But the truth is more effort does not give you better results. Pulling back to receive more is the way it works.

Allow yourself to receive. This is probably one of the hardest things for most women to do. We are so used to giving, giving, giving, that we simply don't have a clue how to let go and allow something to come to us.

Remember, you can't make the bud open into a flower. If you try to pull the petals open you just destroy things. Instead, you just have to wait and let it happen without you.

The key to creating, getting the best results, and maintaining your wellbeing is to stop pushing. Yes, set your goals, and take action, but at the same time think about easing off the pressure. Throw your desires and goals out into the universe, and then imagine everything you need flowing to you: the help, the resources, the inspiration, the opportunities the contacts, or whatever else is required. Then be open to receiving the results.

Shifting yourself into this mindset is both the best way to get lasting results and also the best way to maintain your wellbeing, health, and happiness.

Dr. Anne Whitehouse is an author, a Ph.D. scientist turned life alchemist, and confidence expert. Above all, she is a passionate empowerer of women, dedicated to helping them achieve their full potential by releasing the conditioning and traumas that block their success and damage wellbeing.

After 20 years of research, applying her scientific approach to the subconscious world, and working with many professional women, Anne developed a six-key, ground-breaking code for aspirational women to unlock profound confidence by breaking free of old limitations set by the patriarchal systems encoded into our psyche. This life-changing process is described in her impactful new book "Pull Back Your Power", which offers techniques to release women from the hidden subconscious restraints that continue to sabotage their wellbeing and block success, despite the freedoms of the 21st century.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Your Future Is Yours to Create, As Long As You Have a Purpose

Think about today as a new beginning. From today on let no one, not any circumstance and anything said to you, change how you feel, what you believe about yourself, or how you view your future potential. Your future is yours to create.

Now the challenge is going to be living this as a matter of practice. What is it going to take to be able to set an example for yourself to live life unchallenged by events going on around you, especially when there are those who want to upset you, put you down, distract you, make you feel as if you do not possess the skills or talents necessary to succeed, or you find yourself faced with events that are just too overwhelming?

It is all a matter of anchoring your life with a sense of purpose. You have to remember that you are always free. While you may not be able to control what goes on around you, and the actions others may take in an attempt to dominate you, you control your life by what you think. There's nothing more freeing than thinking and planning a new life. That's what it means to have a sense of purpose. Perhaps what I've learned will help to inspire you as well to create a vision or plan.

A Life with a Vision

What it means to have a purpose in your life is to have a plan anchored by a vision. The plan doesn't need to be complex, rather it can be your vision of how good life should and could be for you. It can start as a dream and blossom from that point forward. Whatever it is you decide to do, be creative about it, find methods of establishing visual cues that trigger happy thoughts and good feeling emotional cues. This is something you will call upon during challenging times.

As you dream or create your future vision, don't allow yourself to be restrained in any manner. You've heard about the sky is the limit. But have you considered how dreams can be unlimited? What if you imagine having no boundaries for whatever it is you want to accomplish now and in the future? Now is the time to discover how freeing it can be to remove constraints and set your imagination free. This is your life to create, one vision at a time.

Creating a Sense of Purpose

You can find freedom from any circumstance you may find yourself in, and it begins with the thoughts you develop. No matter how challenging a situation may be, you can always imagine an alternative. At any time, you can create a vision of a new outcome, and allow yourself to feel the emotions of experiencing it. Soon you'll find a way for it to begin, as you make a plan for it. This is how you begin to create a sense of purpose. What follows are some other ideas for developing your own approach to creating your life of purpose.

Plan for Success: You may be in the best of circumstances life can offer, or next to the worst. It doesn't matter when you are looking to the future. Just decide what it is you want, as to the best your life can and should be.

Understand What You Control: If you find you are in a situation now you wish you could change and are unable to do so, give up the need to control it. Instead, look ahead and envision something new. It's time to change your focus.

Recognize Your Thought Patterns: What will set you back quicker than any other habit is old thought patterns that get in your way, such as thinking you are stuck and will not move forward. It's time to recognize and discard those types of thought patterns.

Put the Past Behind You: What happened yesterday is gone and cannot be changed. Regret is never going to bring you the life you desire. If anything, count the past as lessons learned and move forward. Shift your attention to what's ahead.

Open Your Mind to What's Possible: If you've been in a situation in which you've been put down, bullied, harassed, or in any other way been made to feel you have no chance of creating a better outcome, future, career, or anything similar, put that all behind you. You can look to the future and imagine becoming anything you desire.

See the Future Vision: Once you've decided you can dream, actually imagine yourself in this new vision. What do you see? Find photos and create your vision board for the future. Do anything that will give you visual prompts of what's to come for you.

Experience the Future Vision: As you envision the new future, allow yourself to emotionally feel it, as if you were there now. Those feelings can inspire you in ways you've never imagined, to begin to take action. Now you have a purpose.

Today Begins Your Renewal

There's no question: What you choose to focus upon matters for your well-being. For example, if you have a negative thought or idea, it can be cultivated into a worrisome state of mind. In contrast, you can also begin with an affirmative or positive idea, and cultivate it, allowing it to continue until you feel good. You are capable of thinking and feeling better. This is never dependent upon a current situation or set of circumstances.

As long as you can use the power of your mind, the thoughts you think, the creativity of your imagination, and your willingness to look ahead, you will set yourself free, and chart a course according to a new purpose you've developed. Once you do, you will never again imagine living a life without a purpose, as you will know how fulfilled you can be, at any moment in time. You need no one but yourself to feel good, and this is what true self-empowerment means. Let today mark the day you begin your renewal, by removing the restraints of doubt and fear and allowing hope to become the dominant thought within your mind.

Dr. Bruce A. Johnson is an inspirational author, writer, and educator.

To discover resources available for educators, along with career and professional development, please visit:

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Friday, October 22, 2021

How Do You Scale Up Your Business Using Technology?

Scaling a business is not an easy task. Between keeping past clients happy, converting new leads, and ensuring you have the right team on board, scaling a company involves focusing on many things. And, if you look away for a minute, your development can slip.

Scale your business the smart way by using technology. Using technology isn't even optional these days. No matter the size of your company, how many clients you have, or how much you want to grow, there's someone looking to take your business.

And, if your competitors are using software, apps, and tools you're ignoring, they'll have an easy time getting ahead. By using the right tools, you can track where you are, where you're going and the areas in your business that are lagging.

Technology improves customer experience

Customers are the main drivers of your company, so it's crucial to do everything to offer them a positive experience when they interact with your firm. Consider offering Wi-Fi so that your customers can browse while they're in your shop.

By using chatbots, you can improve customer service response time. Chatbots can answer a big percentage of your clients' queries. And, they can direct clients to customer service agents if the questions need human intervention. They can also help to keep your clients engaged. For instance, they can prompt customers to view or write a product review and encourage them to view tutorials.

Automate daily tasks with machine learning

Machine learning can help your company to reduce the need for employees to perform repetitive tasks such as purchasing and billing operations. You can use software and apps to handle most of these duties. Automation will do these tasks quickly and accurately, and this will free up your employees' time to do jobs that demand critical and creative thinking.

Automation and integrating operational processes help businesses achieve end-to-end visibility, and it enables teams to scale speed while delivering excellent service to customers.

Releasing data for future growth

Investing in the right technology and integrating business processes will make your company responsive enough to compete with bigger competitors and deliver sustainable growth.

By using a cloud-based business management system, you'll have full oversight of your company operations and easy access to data to make insightful decisions on how and where to grow the firm.

Use technology to streamline onboarding

As your company grows, your human-resource department will use technology solutions to smooth the onboarding process. Software and apps enable new members to complete paperwork and make introductions before they arrive for their first day of work.

Also, onboarding apps provide new employees with detailed information of the company's culture and they assist them to set goals for their first 90 days. This helps to ensure an employee is ready for their first day of work and it prepares them to help the company grow.

Putting automatic systems like streamlining, outsourcing and automation to work in your business can make it more efficient and productive. To discover more on how to effectively reduce the amount of time you work on your business, while simultaneously building your business reach and productivity, download the free checklist Work Smarter with Business Systems & Automation at

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

There are five basic Mindfulness paths and they differ in terms of purpose and the target group for which each of the methods and approaches is intended - we will explore this in this article...


In the last 30 years, a great number of Mindfulness books and articles have been published. On the one hand, to people who are interested in Mindfulness this offers width and the opportunity to explore from many angles, and on the other hand, it is precisely this large amount of information that created ambiguity for many and it is hard for them to have a basic concept on their head which they could continue to explore.

For example, a client who recently took an interest in Mindfulness and did some research on the internet told me that she is very confused with how I write about Mindfulness primarily in the context of personal development and efficiency at work, and some other authors write about Mindfulness as a way to treat depression, while some mention Mindfulness as a method used in some hospitals to prevent or treat post-traumatic stress disorder. Or, if Mindfulness is promoted as something secular, why are there Buddhist monasteries that organize open Mindfulness courses.

The correct answer is that there are several Mindfulness paths and they differ in terms of the purpose and the target group for which particular methods and approaches are intended.

To facilitate your research, I will outline five basic Mindfulness paths below. All of them have a similar starting point, but in theoretical and methodological terms they are quite different as soon as the initial stage is crossed since they serve different purposes. Keep in mind that this is only a framework and informal division of Mindfulness styles and I use it only to make it easier for you to orient yourself in further research.

Mindfulness focused on the health aspect

The first Mindfulness path is focused on the health aspect and its purpose is to help people cope with pain and post-traumatic stress disorders more easily. The most notable author and instructor of this path is former University of Massachusetts medical professor Jonn Kabat Zinn and his umbrella program Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. The aforementioned program is most commonly applied in hospitals and as one can imagine, Mindfulness coaches or instructors who are most represented in this path are mostly doctors and various health professionals. By the way, Jon Kabat Zinn is one of the pioneers of Mindfulness in the West and has greatly contributed to the Mindfulness and started being seriously experienced and has explored within scientific circles. Even if you have no health issues and are not interested in this path, I find it advisable to read one of his books. I suggest people attending my Mindfulness Coach Certification program to fully study all his books, even if they don't like them. After all, it's a classic that anyone who wants to take Mindfulness teaching more seriously should be familiar with.

Mindfulness aimed at treating depression

The second path in the field of Mindfulness is focused on people who have problems with depression. Most of these programs fall into the category of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and are a style that combines individual Mindfulness methods and approaches with cognitive behavioral therapy. As this is basically therapy for people suffering from depression or anxiety, this idea of Mindfulness is primarily addressed by psychotherapists and other mental health professionals, and judging by the results of scientific research, this form of therapy is very effective. I find it interesting to note that a two-year postgraduate program called Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy was launched several years ago at the University of Oxford.

Mindfulness that is focused on personal development

The third path in the field of Mindfulness is generally focused on personal development, raising the level of personal energy, and improving the quality of life. Often mentioned topics here are developing creativity, goal awareness and setting authentic goals, releasing internal beliefs that block the desired change, creating good and productive habits, and constantly living outside the comfort zone. Mindfulness is used as an additional tool to gain mental and emotional agility and to create a sharp focus so that a person can be more focused on its goals and create the desired change. Mindfulness coaches who are most represented in this path are mostly coaches whose work is focused on personal development. Program TT MINDFULNESS™ definitely belongs to this category.

Mindfulness focused on corporate development

The fourth path in the field of Mindfulness is focused primarily on companies with a major focus on efficiency, agility, and productivity. They are often referred to as the Corporate Based Mindfulness Training. Such programs often combine Mindfulness with various other related methods like NLP, practical neuroscience, or emotional intelligence. The best-known program in this path is Search Inside Yourself developed by Google. Mindfulness coaches who are most represented in this path are either coaches or HR professionals.

Mindfulness based on Buddhist principles ("Vipassana")

The fifth path in the field of Mindfulness is tightly connected to traditional Buddhist principles and in relation to the previous four directions which are completely secular or "flirting" with certain universal spiritual and metaphysical principles (depending on the preferences of the author/instructor/coach), this path is primarily focused on Buddhist spirituality. This type of Mindfulness training is mainly conducted by Buddhist monks or people who prefer Buddhist principles and lifestyles. One of the most famous representatives of this style is the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn.


There is another Mindfulness path that is applied in the schools of certain Japanese and Chinese martial arts, but it is only an oral transfer of knowledge so there is no particular need to talk about it.


I hope that my informal division and framework will facilitate your further exploration of Mindfulness and help you identify the general path that an author, instructor, program, or book belongs to.

So, to the question "Which Mindfulness path is best for me?" The correct answer depends on what you want to get with Mindfulness, in other words, what is the main goal underlying your motivation to engage with that method.

The clearer your goal of what you want to achieve with Mindfulness is, the easier it is to identify with the path that currently works best for you and that is worth exploring in more depth.

In fact, it is like this with everything, isn't it?

Tomislav Tomic - author, coach, and founder of TT Mindfulness™ (Mindfulness Coach Certification online school) -

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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Secrets To Prosperity - Cultivate A Millionaire Mindset

The secret to prosperity lies in how you have programmed your thoughts. When you cannot control your mind, you will just move further away from cultivating a millionaire mindset. It is the effort that you put in not only today but in a consistent manner that will reflect your future results.

We tend to send thoughts to the Universe requesting a change and financial freedom, but we do not know how to adequately use our mind power to receive the appropriate positive messages in return.

In order to control your mind power you need to effectively do the following:

1. Control your thoughts and not be distracted by trivialities

2. Change your daily habits from negative to positive, and stick to them.

3. Only talk about positive matters, because you ultimately become what you think.

Observe what you are talking about the whole day and question whether it includes mostly positive things that give you happiness.

To become a prosperous and successful person, you need to observe and learn from successful people. Read their life history, feel like one and behave like one. You must be able to visualize your future and be able to see your future with you to as a successful person.

Can you visualize yourself as a successful businessman and a millionaire in the future? Can you make yourself feel like a millionaire? You should be able to see your future and dispel the notion that we are normally fearful of our future. We far too often visualize our future in negative forms rather than that of being a millionaire.

It is being said that vibration is created, and the wealth of energy takes over when you practice visualizing yourself as a millionaire often. The actual process of you becoming a millionaire will then be accelerated. This is based on the fact that your mind attains power through your thought waves, habits, and visualization. It is possible for you to achieve whatever you want through your mind power.

The very best practice will be to control your mind in the present moment without thinking of the future or the past. This mind power can be used to achieve financial freedom and whatever else you want to target. And free yourself from unnecessary negative thoughts. The key is to practice and implement fewer thoughts and much more action.

Handle your mind correctly

Psychology experts have determined that your mind is actually neutral, and it depends on how you use it. It is actually you as a person who causes your mind to react negatively through your unnecessary negative thoughts and negative behaviors. Under most circumstances, your mind can be your best friend, but at times and it can also be your worst enemy. This negative relationship is often caused by stress that not only brings along discomfort but other diseases as well.

You need to control your mind to avoid stress. It is normally said that diseases are caused due to either incorrect food, or a bad environment but the actual fact is that your thought waves control more than what you might think.

Clear your negative thoughts and you will get a big boost on your way to cultivating a millionaire mindset. One of the easiest ways to manage your mind will be to practice meditation and positive affirmations about being a millionaire. When you can manage your mind, it will be easier to go to the next level of prosperity.

Still, looking for Secrets to Prosperity? Stop being misled by crooks who know nothing about Cultivating A Millionaire Mindset

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

WHEN THINGS GET HARD - Powerful Motivational Video

Making Money Online - 3 Steps to Success

If you're looking for a way to make money online then I'm sure you've found plenty mixed messages out there. Some experts advise you to focus on something that you are passionate about and create a business model around that topic. Others say find a lucrative market and carve out a smaller niche within that space.

You can keep searching the net for answers while gathering more conflicting information or you can do what really works. Find a good teacher, follow his proven system and don't quit.

Here are 3 steps succeeding at making money on the internet.

1 - Find a mentor. Gaining the assistance of a true expert who is exceptional at teaching proven methods for making money on the net is like finding the proverbial guiding light in a sea of darkness.

A true mentor is someone who has already done what you are attempting to do. He or she is also willing and able to help you. This person can show you how to get the same success that they've achieved. Ideally they should be very skilled at their craft but equally adept at teaching what they know to others. Sounds simple, but some internet marketing coaches fail miserably at equipping their students with the perfect information and tools.

Find a mentor who gives you the information and comparable tools that they used to succeed. Be sure they provide you with a road map that sets you up to duplicate their success.

2 - Duplicate his system. Once you find a good mentor follow his step by step system. Don't deviate from his plan. So often we want to improvise and add to what we learn. We try to reinvent the wheel. Rather than yielding to this temptation it's better to stick to the directions. If you want to get creative do it after you've gotten the desired results.

I've heard many sales experts say almost any good system will work if you continue to work it. This brings me to my next important point.

3 - Persist until you succeed. Keep doing what you're doing until you are successful. Just because there are no visible results in the beginning that doesn't mean you are failing.

Think of the journey as a work in progress. You're growing. You're gaining knowledge, skill, and valuable experience. These are the vital stepping stones for mastery in any worthwhile endeavor. Becoming wealthy is a worthy objective. Your dreams and goals are worth it.

So put in the time to become proficient in the skills needed for making money online. Stay steady and don't quit. Most people stop at the very point where their goals are about to be achieved. You don't want to be one of those people.

To get the simple step by step system for making money on the internet watch this video now: []

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Monday, October 11, 2021

Networking Out Of Your Comfort Zone

The thought of networking can produce a lot of anxiety, stress, and overall negativity for some individuals. The concept of networking can be even more daunting. As well as, not being able to effectively network and build relations. It is important to realize that networking is a key aspect of development, growth, and advancement. Being able to connect with the right, like-minded individuals is a crucial element in personal and professional success.

A significant part of overcoming these obstacles is to step out of your comfort zone. Individuals should not get complacent and idle in their networking plans and activities. Constantly evaluating their methods, interactions and goals produce productive networking results.

Listed below are ways in which people can break out of the monotony, face common fears and enjoy the benefits of networking.

Take A Poll

Self-evaluation is powerful in transforming thoughts, behaviors, and other patterns. Take a moment to ask effective questions to navigate in the proper direction. Be honest and open about beliefs, fears, and ideologies toward networking and meeting / connecting with people. Once these questions have been answered, use the newfound knowledge to influence correct decision making, strategic planning, etc.

Rely on the Facts

Although it is popular to trust one's gut feelings, it is more stable to rely on facts. If something does not feel right or accurately align, search for facts to support those worries. Seek sound counsel, professional advice, and other legitimate resources. Take calculated risks and create options, when necessary. Utilize logic, understanding, and good judgment with any course of action.

Imagine the End Goal

Having a plan to succeed, advance, and move forward is empowering. It allows for responsibility and accountability. It offers a way to properly evaluate and make changes to reach desired outcomes. It is also a tool for self-assurance which promotes a high level of confidence.

Definitely use these great tips to mobilize a strong networking agenda. Garner the necessary types of support. Use self-assurance to promote confidence and achievement. Excel in various professional and personal objectives with a positive disposition.

Chi Chi Okezie is the owner/producer of SIMPLEnetworking, LLC in Metro-Atlanta, GA, USA. Visit the SN Official Website: to read excerpts of her books, sign up for her newsletter and follow her blog and social media. Also, take online networking courses: to gain tips and techniques to network more efficiently.

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Friday, October 8, 2021

Signs of a Successful Small Business Owner

When starting a new business, there are numerous signs that can indicate whether you're succeeding as an entrepreneur or aren't. A small business can be risky. This is particularly true if you specialize in a niche that bigger companies already excel in. However, if you display some particular qualities, it's a sign that you're doing a good job to stay afloat.

That's because the small business owners who have a positive attitude towards success are the most likely to get a taste of it than their counterparts. Their counterparts focus only on stability and nothing more. While business success has a lot to do with your initial idea and how you build upon that idea, it still depends on your personality and capabilities. Here are a few signs of a successful small business owner that you should develop as part of your personality.

You Like To Form Collaborations

Most successful entrepreneurs display this common trait. They understand the importance of having a well-connected network in the business world. Nevertheless, just like in every other change, collaboration needs to start from within your business. This means you'll need to start delegating tasks effectively. Another crucial part of this is building good relationships with everyone on your team. This includes your employees and suppliers.

Of course, you also need to establish a position in the network of small businesses. It's unwise to act alone without any partners. You needn't form friendly relationships with your competitors. However, at the least, you should be on good terms with other small businesses that complement yours. By obtaining a position in the community of other businesses, you'll be able to create new opportunities that can benefit others. Moreover, others can do the same for you. What results is a beneficial support system that allows all members to rely on one another.

You Have Your Eyes Set on the Future

You never know what the future holds, especially if it's for something as volatile as a new startup business. That's why successful entrepreneurs share a common characteristic of looking towards long-term future goals.

Some struggle to stay afloat amidst a rocky economic climate, and such desperate conditions can lead to business owners not looking farther than the near future. Such thoughts are understandable, but think of it this way; acting upon well-structured long-term goals at the same time as day-to-day tasks can ensure far more than financial stability and simple peace of mind.

Your Leverage the Benefit of Technology

Nowadays, when it comes to operating a small business, it all comes down to incorporating the use of technology, whether in marketing, management, or everything else. Technology and software have made it easier for entrepreneurs and small business owners to meet their goals, and now with services like Google AdWords and personal assistants, functions have become much more streamlined than ever before.

Take websites, for instance, they're a business's online identity and that's where most potential customers will go to check whether your brand is legitimate or not. Then comes social media, which is a useful marketing tactic that produces results without requiring you to spend too much of your ad revenue. Then there are other business-related applications like customer support live chat software, fixed responses for keywords, and budgeting tools that boost your productivity so you can focus on product quality.

You Love to Learn

You're never ready to run a business until you're prepared to improve yourself by learning from others. You may be determined to make it through with a method involving trial and error, but that costs precious resources; you need to start learning from others' successes and failures. Data is the most powerful weapon that a business can possess because it helps you discover trends and important details.

If you aim to learn about what strategies lead to profitable ideas and which ones are just downright terrible, you'll be able to devise a solution of your own. The best way to fulfill your curiosity is to read and look into insights regarding management, marketing, customer satisfaction, and product quality. Archives can provide you with numerous researches and surveys conducted by different companies. While it isn't necessary that the results apply to your business, you're still bound to learn something.

You Don't Just Think; You Act

While we're at it, we might as well establish that being a smart business owner doesn't mean that you'll never have to take risks; it's merely the ability to take risks with confidence. One sign that your business will soon see the light of success is that you don't just think, you also act when the time is right. This sign is associated with the confident ability to make good decisions, even if they're risky.

It's true that before you put any plan into action, you need to examine it carefully all the way through. However, if you become stuck on the evaluating stage, you'll miss your chance to implement your idea. That's why you should have some faith in yourself and build confidence in your abilities to make a good decision.

You Seek Fulfillment

There are many small businesses operating in the market, but very few businesses owner seek fulfillment. The rest of them, however, only look at it as a means to make ends meet. Success-oriented entrepreneurs always chase after their goal of doing something fulfilling for a living. Your ability to see value in everything you create is contributory to success because you'll want to build upon ideas to increase that value.

If you realize these traits in yourself, then congratulations; you have what it takes to turn your small business into a success! However, even if you don't, do not fear! Owning a small business can change you as a person. But, it depends on you whether you take something positive from the experience. All these above-mentioned aspects will greatly improve not just the quality of business, but your life as well. If you can learn to find a hint of success-oriented personality within yourself, then you've hit the jackpot.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at

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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Don't Settle For What Life Gives You

People settle for mediocrity in many aspects of their lives on a daily basis. We accept jobs we hate, we deal with friends who let us down, and family members who give us so much stress.

Don't settle for what life gives you. Make your life better because life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. Few realized that many of life's failures are due to people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

People are terrified of change, failure, and taking risks. These are some of the main reasons why people settle in life. It's not about unrealistic goals or perfection. It is about changing the things you can to be happy, not simply drifting along in life and complaining. It is far easier to settle than it is to leave our comfort zone.

Do remember, you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Don't waste your life living up someone else's expectations. Don't be trapped by dogma. Living with the results of other people's thinking does will not do you any good.

Almost everybody wants to succeed in life, but nobody wants to do the dirty works of getting on the top. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it will pay off. You just need to work and strive hard to attain that goal.

Life imposes things on you that you can't control, but you still have the choice of how you're going to live through this. Life is never easy. There is always work to be done and obligations to be met. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. When you love what you do, then, you are happy and contented. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle for less.

Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. You have brains in your head. So, you can steer yourself any direction you choose. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. In fact, too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

Many people suffer with tremendous amounts of self-doubt and are unable to believe they are good enough. There are always better options out there, but too many people have low self-esteem, which prevents them from realizing this. It's better to be alone than it is to want to be alone.

Although something may not be what we really want, but it becomes a habit and it's more comfortable to maintain the status quo than to get out of our comfort zones. You need to fight through all the obstacles that lie between where you are and where you want to be.

Many times, people get so frustrated with life. People will constantly complain about their present situations, but will do nothing about it without realizing that the minute they settle for less than they deserve, they get even less than they settled for.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Small Business Marketing - The Basics

Small business marketing is increasingly complex. The online environment changes rapidly so it is important to remember the basics of marketing. That is focus on the needs of the customer.

Profile Your Target Customer

Who is your ideal customer, what do they buy, why do they need those products or services, and why do they buy from you? Most businesses serve several market segments, each with different requirements. So it is important to identify those segments and build a customer profile for each.

Decide How To Reach Your Customer

What are the best ways to reach identified customers and market segments? It may be the best route is offline but more likely the most efficient and cost-effective method will be online marketing. Research what methods target customers use to source information. It may be via search engine queries, or possibly social media, or online publications. Whatever route is best, target your efforts on those mediums.

Be Found

There is little point in having a website if it is not found when a prospect types a relevant search term into one of the major search engines. Statistics show that over 90% of prospects never go beyond page 1 when looking for information. The same argument applies to social media. With any online marketing tool, the objective is to be found.

Build A Relationship

Once found, only a small percentage of prospects will make an immediate purchase. A much larger proportion will keep coming back to learn more and will buy in the future. Once a prospect lands on an online communication channel the objective is to start to build a relationship and credibility to achieve a sale in the medium to long term.


A relationship is of little use if it does not ultimately convert to a sale. So it is important to lead prospects down a path and specifically tell them what you suggest they do (calls to action). The process may include securing a prospect Email address (perhaps in return for a valuable download) to facilitate ongoing dialogue.

The key to small business marketing success then is to start with the customer. With the customer defined, deliver the information they need and develop a relationship that ultimately results in a sale. It is important to make sure the message goes out via a method that is most likely to be read and engaged with. Don't be invisible, forget the marketing hype and focus on the basics.

Read more on common marketing myths you should ignore here

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Monday, October 4, 2021

How To Restore Passion For Your Life

When was the last time you felt truly passionate about something? Felt good, right? And so it should! The good thing is, you can learn how to restore passion for your life.

Passion is most evident when body, mind, and spirit work together to create, articulate or manifest feelings, ideas, and values. Passion is ignited when all of you work together. It is the presence of your soul combined with the totality of all you've experienced, and it empowers to live at optimal levels.

Passion your natural state. When what you do is in alignment with who you are, it increases your energy. Passion is like water flowing along its natural riverbed, gaining momentum from its course - unlike many work environments, where it feels more like trying to force water up and over a mountain!

Passion creates resilience. It enables you to overcome obstacles and to look beyond current setbacks to the infinite potential that's yours to claim. The passionate soul discovers nuggets of potential in every situation.

Passion transfers vibrant energy to every person or situation it touches. You can't fake it. Anyone can spot a phony by sensing a lack of authenticity and depth in their actions.

And yet, many people run from the passion because they're afraid of being burned. They hang on to the pain of betrayed trust and misplaced confidences as a reminder to dampen their own passion, lest they be hurt again. Perhaps they held the bucket for soulless greed and overzealous egos disguised as passion. Consequently, they're afraid of taking the risk to live life fully, openly, and passionately. They may have even vowed to never go there again.

Instead, they opt for a more predictable, monochromatic existence. Rather than taking exploring the endless possibilities of life, they insist on hiding inside a safety bubble; giving up on an adventure to exist in a sanitary, colorless world where nothing new happens.

What they really need is to restore their passion!

If you want a juicy life, you need to open your heart and mind to the multidimensional experience of passionate living every day.

Can you imagine how much more meaningful our roles as parents, lovers, business owners, employees, teachers, and leaders would be if all our actions were predicated on our true passion? There is no limit to how far your influence can reach! To tap into your potential, you must engage life with passion. By bringing passion to what you do, you express every aspect of your creative being.

Here's the secret to living a passionate life: Never try to throttle down your passion for fear of what might show up! You cannot selectively suppress some part of your being without also suppressing the rest of your energy. When you suppress your passion, you also suppress your Life Force.

Truth is, every activity you engage in expresses the whole of you - much like one part of a hologram reflects the whole in its entirety. Even if you pick a narrow skill like running a marathon or cooking, your whole sense of self is expressed through that activity when doing it with passion.

When living from your passion, you bring your entire identity to the party, not just an isolated part. This may sound daunting, but actually, it's the most natural way to approach anything.

When you hold some part of yourself back, you deny it exposure to life; you repress its energy and keep it from learning what it needs to know. Imagine a baby who wants to learn how to walk but has these reservations:

  • I don't want to look bad.
  • I don't want to fall down.
  • I don't want to fail.
  • I don't want to expend all my energy.
  • I don't want any pain.
  • I don't want to suffer.
It would seem absurd! If these thoughts prevail, the chance for mastery could never present itself. Yet as adults we resort to such reservations all the time - and deny ourselves mastery as a result.

The minute a situation arises, all the negatives around that situation will arise in the mind along with all the possibilities. The key is that you have a choice about which to focus on!

When you choose to focus on negatives, you yield to subconscious fear to shut out understanding. Do that often enough and you become a victim, subject to bewildering fears that can threaten to overwhelm you. These fears aren't coming from blind fate or misfortune; they simply represent holes in your awareness, the places where you haven't dared to look yet.

To break free from such self-limiting behavior, try looking at an issue that has kept you from totally engaging in life. For instance, if you are worried about what others may think of your effort, then that is the issue you need to challenge!

When I launched out into a solo practice, well-intended friends questioned whether I would make it in a highly demanding field. I chose not to listen to the voices of apprehension; instead, I redoubled my efforts because my passion is to help people.

At the time, it was the scariest, riskiest, most challenging thing I could think of doing with my life. It was also the one thing that kept me dreaming and working against all odds. Today, I can look back at decades of amazing outcomes and success.

Choosing to follow my passion took me to the edge of my comfort zone and stretched me in every way possible. It also brought growth, joy, and fulfillment into every area of my life. I wouldn't trade what I'm doing for the world, because I get to use my innate gifts daily. I love living in alignment with my purpose and my passion!

What is that one, wild dream you have buried deep within? Is it time to let it emerge into the light where you can nourish it into a passionate path to fulfillment? How will you know unless you try?

You can restore passion for your life.

Start voicing your inner dreams and passions. Facedown your fears, and treat your dreams like tender threads of gold, for they are every bit as precious. They form the fabric that fabulous lives are woven from!

Ada Porat is a seasoned kinesiologist and pastoral counselor who founded Stillpoint Holistic Services, a center for healing and transformation that serves clients around the globe.. She is passionate about helping clients live their best lives. She can be reached at

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